Student First Aid
24 x Instant Ice Pack Disposable Large 10801011 Bulk Buy
24 x Instant Ice Pack Disposable Large 10801011 Bulk Buy
Instant Ice Pack Disposable Large is quick and easy to use, ideal for school yard and sports injuries.
This convenient, instantly cold alternative to a reusable ice pack reduces pain and swelling, which speeds recovery time. It can lower an overheated body temperature.
Instant Ice Pack Disposable Large requires no freezing and can be kept on hand in a First Aid Kit. It is latex free and disposable.
The Large Instant Ice Pack Disposable measures 115mm x 235mm, which is ideal for larger body parts like hands, shoulders, knees, calves and thighs.
Save time, money and carbon kilometres by buying in bulk!
Instant Ice Pack Directions
1. Feel for the inner liquid pouch
2. Twist and squeeze firmly the pack firmly, until you feel the inner pouch rupture with a 'pop'. Or lay the pack on a flat surface and hit with a closed fist.
3. Shake the pouch vigorously to disperse the activated cold ingredients
4. Wrap the cold pack in paper towel or thin dry cloth and apply to the injured area for no more than 20 minutes at a time.
Instant Ice Pack Information
For external use only. Store in cool, dry place. Active ingredient Urea. Size 23.5cm x 9cm.