Sit Less, Move More!


When we sit for prolonged periods our large postural muscles disengage, which leads to slower blood flow, decreased metabolism, less fat-burning and sluggish brain function - even for those who exercise vigorously each day.

By sitting less and moving more we increase our energy, improve our physical and mental health, lower stress and reduce the risk of musculoskeletal injury.

Sit less, stand up and move more...

  • every 30 minutes when sitting 
  • to refill your water, and make it a small glass to refill more often!
  • to send an email
  • to read documents, talk on the phone or meet informally
  • to use your rubbish bin




Safe Work Australia


Frequently Asked Questions

What is prolonged sitting? Sitting for longer than 30 minutes without a short break in prolonged bouts, eg. of 4 hours at a time, can be detrimental to your health. This includes sitting at a desk, behind a computer, in a laboratory or in a vehicle.

How can I reduce my time spent sitting at work? Safe Work Australia recommends reducing, interrupting and substituting time spent sitting. Stand to send emails, read documents or talk on the phone, and try walking to meet informally, deliver messages to colleagues, and when using your a mobile phone.

What else can I do to move more and feel better at work ? If you have the time and space, try committing to this quick and easy 3-minute workout every hour with physiotherapist Paul Dardagan here.