You can play a vital role in establishing professional practices for School Nurses around Australia.
The Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation is seeking feedback from all School Nurses working in a range of school settings and jurisdictions for a formal review of the National School Nursing Professional Practice Standards.
Your feedback will benefit all School Nurses and school communities by informing consistent, competent and safe practice, and by advocating funding for School Nurses in all public and private school settings. This is vital for the health and wellbeing of children and young people in Australia, and for building a healthy nation for future generations.
To view and download online for free, click here and follow the feedback guide on page 41.
Comments are due back by 13th February 2015. You can send your comments via email to Julie Reeves via or in writing to the following address.
Julie Reeves
Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation Federal Office
Level 1, 365 Queen Street
Melbourne Victoria 3000